Stanislav M. Umansky, born in 1935, Doctor of Med. Sc., Professor of the department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy of the Advanced Training and Professional Development of Tyumen State Medical Academy.
Stanislav M. Umansky graduated Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute; in 1963 chose psychotherapy as his major. Being a practitioner, he defended his candidate dissertation in 1971. Since 1971 he has been working in Tyumen Medical Institute. In 1992, he defended his doctoral dissertation, and the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles awarded him the title of Professor.
During the period of 1990-2001, he was head of the department of psychiatry.
In 2001, Stanislav M. Umansky organized and became head of the department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Psychotherapy of the Advanced Training and Professional Development of Tyumen State Medical Academy.
His work and specialization experience amounts to 48 years.
Sergey V. Umansky has more than 220 publications, 9 out of them are academic; he has a great number of scientific papers, used in pedagogical practice, and 7 monographs (in co-authorship).
Sergey V. Umansky delivers lectures in psychiatry, narcology and psychotherapy; he has seminars with interns and physicians. His workload is up to 700-800 hours per year. He extensively implements and uses new methods of teaching and assessing knowledge of students.
He has prepared 3 doctors and 12 candidates of medicine as scientific advisers. Currently Sergey V. Umansky supervises 2 post-graduate students. He takes part in various forums, reporting about all the scientific research conducted at the department: “International Psycho-Oncology Congress” (Moscow, 2008), “Topical issues of psychiatry and narcology” (Chelyabinsk, 2008), “Innovative techniques in medicine” (Egypt, 2009), “Suicidal behavior: modern approach” (Tyumen, 2010) and others.
Sergey V. Umansky has been taking part in organizing scientific and research conferences, including the ones with international participation, on the issues of metal pathology, narcology and other conferences that are of interest among practitioners. The majority of the conferences provide participants with the possibility of having their works published in scientific editions.
Sergey V. Umansky also reviews dissertations and synopses on psychiatry and narcology. Besides, he is a member of the editorial council of a specialized edition “Siberian herald of psychiatry and narcology” (Tomsk), included in the list of volumes approved by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles.
He manages to combine scientific and pedagogical work with practicing. He is a leading state specialist in the forensic psychiatric expert examination of the Federal Service for the Execution of Sanctions of the Russian Federation in Tyumen region; Sergey V. Umansky is also a consultant psychiatrist in Tyumen Regional Clinical Mental Hospital and Tyumen regional narcological dispensary.
For the active participation in the medical and preventive work in the practical healthcare he was awarded a diploma of Tyumen Department of Health.
Sergey V. Umansky upgraded his professional skills in I.M. Sechenov MMA (Moscow Medical Academy) (Moscow, 2003), Scientific and Research Center of Mental Health of Tomsk branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) (Tomsk, 2006) and others.
Sergey V. Umansky has shown himself as a punctual, goal-oriented, profound, competent and perseverant in achieving aims in the practical and scientific activities.
Since 1991, Doctor of Med. Sc., Professor Umansky Stanislav Markovich has been the founder and permanent president of Tyumen Regional Association of Psychiatrists, Narcologists and Psychotherapists.