Join the Society

Fill in the form below to become a member of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists (RSP).

Members of the Association are entitled to:

  • free publications of theses in volumes of materials from conferences, held by the Association (provided the conference program presupposes the publication);
  • notification of current conferences and congresses (regional, inter-regional, all-Russian etc);
  • provision of scientific research materials at the Association meetings;
  • notification of information and materials (upon request) discussed at the Association meetings;
  • obtaining a qualification grade in psychiatry, psychiatry-addictionology and psychotherapy;
  • counseling and supervision of doctor psychiatrists, addictionologists and psychotherapists;
  • participation in scientific research.
Application for Membership
  1. (required)
  2. (required)
  3. (required)
  4. (required)
  5. (required)
  6. (required)
  7. (required)
  8. (required)
  9. (required)
  10. (required)
  11. (valid email required)
  12. (valid email required)
  13. (required)
  14. (required)
  15. (required)
  16. Notification of information from the organizational committee

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